Perpetual SecuritySecure Server Hosting

Perpetual Security Hosting Solutions On Fast Servers.

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The Best & Fastest Solutions For Your Secure Server Hosting Needs!

Featured Secure Web Hosting Solutions

Additional Secure Server Hosting Features & Options

Add a number of additional security solutions in addition to the ones already included with your account through our proactive, Perpetual Security measures.

What Our Customers Have to Say

Here is a sampling of just a few of the things A2 Hosting customers said about our service.

Secure Web Hosting

secure serverNobody likes the threat of data security breaches, especially A2 Hosting. That's why the underlying philosophy of our Perpetual Security initiative is to offer proactive protection against malicious hackers and their security threats. A2 Hosting Perpetual Security is about staying miles ahead of potential security breaches as opposed to walking step for step beside them. We realize that there isn't use in discovering a potential security threat and gambling that the threat isn't one day the cause of a full breach to valuable data. A2 Hosting doesn't gamble when it comes to web hosting security, especially when it concerns something as priceless as our customers' data, sites and servers. This is why A2 Hosting Perpetual Security is a necessity.

Secured Server Features

It is our goal to persistently take the required actions to squash security threats before they potentially develop into something larger so you have a secure server. A2 Hosting's Perpetual Security demands web hosting protection that is unrelenting, constant and ceaseless. Below are some of the functions and applications that help us to meet this demand.

  • HackScan

HackScan runs 24/7/365 on your account working to block attacks BEFORE they can damage site.

  • KernelCare

KernelCare is a solution that allows us to update your kernel with the latest security updates on a daily basis without requiring us to reboot your server.

Our (distritubed denial of service) DDoS defense solution provides high scale capacity, instant attack detection and mitigation. This improves the likelihood that your site will remain online during even the most sophisticated distributed denial of service attacks.

  • Dual Hosting Firewall

Your A2 Hosting account includes an overall network firewall with an additional server firewall to block unauthorized users and secure vulnerabilities. Your server's firewall deflects threats that manage to penetrate our network's firewall.

  • Brute Force Defense

A2 Hosting persistently monitors and blocks attacks occurring in programmed sequences that attempt to break into our network.

  • Auto-Heal Hosting Protection

Auto-Heal Protection ensures our default network settings and configuration files are properly configured at all times. If a default setting is altered, our secure hosting with Auto-Heal Protection automatically changes them back to the default configuration.

  • Virus Scanning

Our secure web hosting accounts offer free, easy-to-use virus scanning within each cPanel control panel.

  • Limited Server Access

A2 Hosting's staff uses keys, not passwords, to access servers. Keys have a significantly lower chance of being stolen and reduce the risk of unauthorized server access.

  • Server Hardening

A2 Hosting disables non-mission critical server components to decrease potential server exploits. We further reduce potential exploits by maintaining the most current security patches and updates on your server.

  • Secure Data Center

Data center visitors require both a security card to enter our datacenter's parking lot and a separate card to enter the physical data center. Each server is fully enclosed by cages where keys are required to access the server. Data center security is further enhanced with video surveillance.

  • Additional Security Monitoring

Your account is protected by additional applications monitoring for strange activity and automatically eliminate processes that could potentially lead to harmful activity.

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