Version ControlSelf Hosted Version Control

Version Control Hosting Solutions On Fast Servers.

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Best Self Hosted Version Control

Version Control Hosting - The A2 Way

Version control is a software solution that organizes the many versions of a file, software or website as they are being edited. Version control keeps a master copy of the files on a central server repository. This allows each individual team member to move a working copy of the file onto their computer for editing. The ultimate goal is for each team member to work independently, but most importantly prevent anyone from overwriting the work of another team member. Once the desired changes are made to the working copy, it is uploaded to the server repository so the other team members can access the most updated version. While team members could ultimately end up editing the same portion of code at once resulting in potential overwriting issues, most modern version control systems are able to identify and mark these as conflicts. This allows the team member to view and resolve any resulting conflicts before being able to commit their copy to the repository.

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