How to install Drupal Console

This article describes how to install Drupal Console.

Drupal Console is a command-line tool used for Drupal administration and development. It is currently intended to complement, rather than replace, the Drush command-line tool.

Drupal Console only works with Drupal 8. It does not work with earlier versions of Drupal.

Installing Drupal Console

To install Drupal Console, follow these steps:

  1. If you have not already done so, install a Drupal 8 site. You must have a Drupal 8 site installed on your account to install Drupal Console.
  2. Log in to your site using SSH.
  3. At the command prompt, change the current directory to where the Drupal site is installed. For example, type cd ~/public_html/drupal.
  4. To install Drupal Console, type the following command:
    composer require drupal/console:~1.0 --prefer-dist --optimize-autoloader
  5. To ensure that you can run Drupal Console from any directory, type the following commands. Replace username with your account username, and replace drupal_dir with the name of the directory where you installed Drupal:

    echo 'alias drupal="/home/username/public_html/drupal_dir/vendor/bin/drupal"' >> ~/.bashrc
    source ~/.bashrc

    You can now run Drupal Console by simply typing drupal at the command prompt from any directory in your account.

  6. To verify that Drupal Console installed correctly, type one or both of the following commands in the Drupal site directory:

    drupal site:status
    drupal site:statistics

    You should see information about your Drupal site.

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